Photo Masking/ Clipping

Photo masking or Image masking is a process of hiding or revealing some parts of an image by using graphics software like Photoshop. It is one of the more efficient and creative methods of image editing process which causes least amount of damage to the image.
It is often a sought-after service by sellers who want to improve the quality of their products catalogue on display in brochures, social media or any other kind of marketing communications means. With Photo Masking service, backgrounds of images can be manipulated to bring out significant focus on the product in a more visually appealing manner.
There are three types of Image Masking being offered at URetouch Photos:
1. Layer Masking
This is the type of masking allows for ‘layering’ an image in a way that either hides or reveals a certain component of the image. It allows for controlling/adjusting the opacity level in an image.
2. Clipping Masking
With Clipping masking, it is possible to change the perceptibility or clearness of another layer in the image.
3. Alpha Channel Masking
This is a more complex type of masking an image in comparison to the other two. It involves masking things like the hair and other areas in an image.